Sunday February 1, 4:30 pm, in Garrison District Park, 6001 Manchaca Rd., Austin 78745.
Tejas Web in celebrating Imbolc, the feast of Bridget! In this ritual,
we will take a trance journey inspired by and based on Starhawk's
classic "Way to the Well" drum trance. Our intention: We journey to Bridget's sacred wells to forge an
anchor to our personal power.
Info and what to bring:
o something to sit on on the ground (such as a blanket, pad or camp chair) during the trance;
o water or what you want to drink (non-alcoholic);
o finger food to share for the potluck feast after the ritual;
o a flashlight to help in packing up afterwards;
o dress for the weather.
are welcome with a supervising adult. However, please be aware that the
heart of this ritual is a drum trance that probably won't engage young
children. No activities specifically for children are planned.
Tejas Web events are drug- and alcohol-free. There is no charge for
admission to the ritual, but Tejas Web gratefully accepts donations to
support our magic and ritual work.
Directions to the ritual site:
District Park is located in South Austin off Manchaca Rd. south of
Stassney Lane. From Manchaca, turn east into the park and make an almost
immediate right turn. Follow the road back towards soccer
fields/athletic courts and park in the lot nearby. Follow the trail past
the restrooms, and head to the left off the trail towards the wooded