Tejas Web Ritual & Feast for Lughnasadh
Saturday August 2, beginning at 6:30 PM
Garrison Park, 6001 Manchaca Rd. Austin, TX
Join us as we celebrate the development of our magical skills as a community, working together as allies to be the change we want to see in the world.
At this celebration of the beginning of the harvest season we will feast together in sacred space. A main dish of black bean tacos, with flour tortillas, corn tostadas and condiments, will be provided. There will be some trance work during the ritual, however, children are very much welcome with an accompanying adult!
All participants are asked to bring:
o Plates & Utensils, for feasting
o Finger Foods, chips & salsa, veggies & dip, fruits, desserts, etc.
o Water, or non-alcoholic beverage
o Chair or Cushion, if you need it during the ritual
o Drums, if you have them, for raising energy
Please remember to dress for the weather. As always, Tejas Web events are drug-and alcohol-free. Tejas Web gratefully accepts donations to support our magical work.
Directions to the ritual:
Garrison Park is located in South Austin off Manchaca Road, just south of Stassney Lane. From Manchaca, turn east into the park and make an almost immediate right turn. Follow the road back towards soccer fields/athletic courts and park in the lot nearby. Follow the trail past restrooms, and head to the left toward the wooded area.
We hope to see you there. Blessed Be!